
Spare time for the mind.

A good question would be.

"Why does Marissa have so much spare time in University to be updating blogs everyday?"

Another good question would be.

"Why is this overload of biology information not going to be a significant contribution in my future?"


No. Frankly, I do love being in class. 
There's nothing to hate about increasing the EXP points for my brain cells.

But it can be tough sometimes.

Long chapters

small fonts

Never ending reading assignments.

Not so pleasant after a while.



There's a fine fine line between boredom and hunger.
But I can't figure it out.
Or is it something else
something more. 


Spare time
is not beneficial to me at the moment.
Too much space open to be filled with new thoughts
whether it's needed or not. 

My mind will be on auto-focus
at some point.

Definitely not now.

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