
Ranking, Second hand.

In the still air,
I can smell hints of winter creeping in
with traces of tobacco roaming elsewhere.

There are way too many smokers around campus
All the second hand smoke inhaled
is enough to cause me some lung cancer
in no time. 

 Second hand smoke
appeals to me. 


It doesn't seem physically possible, 
but sometimes I do feel like I am inhaling in 
bits and pieces
of such sentiments
these smokers are eager to liberate 
out of their system. 

I'm not turning into a potential smoker.

I promise.

If my heart was a house, you'd be home.

If I asked
What level of importance might I fall under
What would your answer be.

If you asked
What order might I have placed you

Because you've snuck into one of the rooms in my heart.

If I had to choose,
I'd rather be with someone who'd lavish me affection 
regardless of the amount I give back.

obnoxious, terrible, repulsive, dreadful, revolting

when it's comes to 


One-sided situations.

1 comment:

  1. you are an amazing artist. i am not just talking about the drawings.


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