
[iloveblog7.9] 禁忌;Taboo


Imagine temptation as an open field 
wide ranged, narrow ranged
a meadow of blooming flower or flowers. 

A paradise for allurement 
Temptation, being drawn in
walks in empty handed
walks out with strides of arrogant poise
hands tightly gripped on it's victorious possession,

Your flower(s). 

Then again in rare occasions, 
these flowers may blossom free flowingly 
deprived from the existence of such an atrocious intruder. 

some, some flowers
whose stubbornness persists all the way down to its roots,
refuses to be spontaneously removed from its morals. 



 Your call.

But really, 
who is it to say what is or isn't a Taboo.

In the case of Beauty and the Beast..
giving Belle his one and only flower
sort of ended up in a
'happily ever after'

(according to Disney)
(Although I highly reason the situation was purely
 a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome for Belle)  

The word Taboo doesn't quite exist in 
"Marzie's explicit edition of the her world's existing words" 
other wise known as
My-completely-made-up-words-combined-with-dictionary-terms Book. 

I'll do what's for the better. 

Now, doesn't everyone?


  1. when you made up your mind of whats good and bad, when you become old and conservative, when you undermine ideas from the young and stupid, then you'll find taboo in your dictionary bah~

  2. taboos are only what you make of it, sometimes it may be the most beautiful thing that can happen in your life...

    open your eyes and your heart and welcome what comes your way... you may find something that is of true beauty

  3. marzie, miss belle open up my mind..

    a.. according to andy
    i have taboo all over me sigh... hate how i have been taught


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